

Coaching Certification


ALL FMBA Coaches/Assistant Coaches (House League, Community & Rep) are encouraged to complete some formal coach training: the following minimums are required by Baseball Alberta/Baseball Canada.  FMBA endorses the education and training of all our Coaches and Assistant Coaches at all levels for the betterment of our Association and especially for the benefit of our children playing the great game of baseball.


All associated fees related to the various on-line or classroom lead education and training sessions are reimbursable by FMBA. Please keep all receipts and submit to the Treasurer, they will ensure submission and payment follows prior to the end of each season.


Click on the following links for requirements and details

Online Coach Education & Training Programs

Initiation Coach Course

All Coaches and Assistant Coaches within FMBA are encouraged to complete the on-line "Initiation Coach" course for the betterment of the experience of the children playing in our leagues.

Respect in Sports

All Coaches and Assistant Coaches within FMBA Outlaws program are required to take the "Respect in Sport" course. Failure to complete this one time course may result in fines, game forfeits and/or dismissals at 'AA' level.  If you have completed "Respect in Sports" from a sport other than baseball, you can port this certification over. Click on the "Import Certificate" button below and it will guide you through the process.

Coach Clinics and Training Sessions

Baseball Canada Reach Higher Program, the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) is here to help you be the best coach that you can be. When you take an NCCP clinic, you'll gain baseball technical abilities as well as leadership and decision making skills.  NCCP training will open doors to new opportunities in coaching and in life.

NOTE: ALL attendees MUST complete the on-line Initiation Coach Module prior to attending any of the following NCCP Classroom/Coaching Clinics: FMBA coaches that require training can register for any courses offered in surrounding area's and will be reimbursed, please keep your receipts.

Foothills Minor Ball Association © 2023
Contact Us

Box 1194, Okotoks AB T1S 1B2